Category: <span>Gaming</span>

Nothing much to say. We were an InGame couple, but aren’t anymore for a long time now. I feel like it’s a shame not to post the pictures we made together.

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

»I will take a rest now after all the battles I have fought. You should do the same.«

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Lewd/NSFW Screenshots

»You are demanding my help? I’m not sure it’s a good idea, darling. What do I get in return? Your soul, I hope.«

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

»I know it’s a hard time, Solas, but we’ll get through this together – like we always do.«

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

»I will protect you, little friend.«

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

»Come, take a plunge into the cool water and keep me company for a bit.«

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Lewd/NSFW Screenshots

It’s beautiful, right?

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

I’m really proud of the new scythe because I had to do PvP to be able to buy it. Basically the same with the chest piece.

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots