Category: <span>Regular</span>

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

I would like to mention that I will show my number 1 at the end – following the motto “save the best for last” So stay tuned for that. 😀

(This post will be constantly updated if I have something new to upload.)

My second favorite mount is the Megalotragus. It may look creepy, but it has been a loyal companion so far.

The next one is the Cavalry Drake. I had to gather the special event tomestones to acquire it. All the hard work paid off in the end. 💜

The Lunar Kamuy is also a mount that I like to use. Among all Kamuys, it is my favorite.

The Island Eggplant Knight is the next one of my favorites.

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

This is my new glam for my all-time favorite and main job. 😀

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

»There you are! You must be starving after that long boat trip! Let’s go eat something, shall we?«

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

Nearly all of her thoughts revolve around Zenos and Zero.

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

»Taking a break with friends can be so relaxing.

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

»You are always there for me. Anyone who tries to hurt you, I will chop into little pieces!«

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

Say hello to Valador. My second character that I created so Orinna doesn’t have to feel completely alone anymore.

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

Archer/Bard was my first class I played with.

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots

»Let’s have some fun, alright?«

Final Fantasy XIV Gaming Regular Screenshots