Cleared Palace of the Dead entirely

Last night, I volunteered in PF to join PotD from floor 51 as a healer. I didn’t expect us to reach floor 200. It was fun, but it got really exhausting after a while. The most unsatisfying part was that there’s no boss fight on the final floor, just a bench to sit on and a mysterious orb to touch for the achievement (which I stupidly forgot). I’m glad that I’m done with it now and won’t be doing it again anytime soon. But I have to say, the group was fucking amazing.

What I urgently need now is sleeeeep. I’m so tired…


  1. Avatar photo Ayumi said:

    Have you ever thought about repeating it, because you didn’t touch the orb?

    • Avatar photo Lazy Moogle said:

      Maybe once or twice, but the thought faded pretty quickly. Maybe I’ll give it a shot sometime in the next few days or something. No clue. It’s not an easy morning stroll, though. There’s so much to keep track of, and the only reason I made it through last time was because someone experienced was in the group.


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