Last night, I volunteered in PF to join PotD from floor 51 as a healer. I didn’t expect us to reach floor 200. It was fun, but it got really exhausting after a while. The most unsatisfying part was that there’s no boss fight on the final floor, just a bench to sit on and a mysterious orb to touch for the achievement (which I stupidly forgot). I’m glad that I’m done with it now and won’t be doing it again anytime soon. But I have to say, the group was fucking amazing.
What I urgently need now is sleeeeep. I’m so tired…
Have you ever thought about repeating it, because you didn’t touch the orb?
Maybe once or twice, but the thought faded pretty quickly. Maybe I’ll give it a shot sometime in the next few days or something. No clue. It’s not an easy morning stroll, though. There’s so much to keep track of, and the only reason I made it through last time was because someone experienced was in the group.